How do you go from being a good leader to being a great leader? Well, we asked the best! Check out our list of 8 things great leaders do to soak in their wisdom.
Renée chats about how to lead and manage with understanding and empathy—for yourself and your team.
Leading a Multi-Generational Workforce
Renée recently shared her expertise in leading a multi-generational workforce with our partners at Chemistry Consulting Group—check it out:
The generation you grew up in can influence your behaviors. In the workplace, you might even notice fundamental generational differences regarding expectations, culture, performance, and engagement.
Why: As someone with a lot of to-do’s, time blocking keeps me focused and efficient. Time blocking is an absolutely critical part of my day. In Client Experience, I’m constantly working on client programming and projects that are at different stages and timelines. Focusing my efforts in my day on my top priority client tasks and projects ensures my success—I can’t live without it!
It's Not Fair!
Dear Dr. Jim,
Why did my colleague, who has similar background and experience as I do, get promoted instead of me?
- Richard*
Hi Richard,
This is a very complicated question. But, there are a couple of things to think about . . . read more