Vivo Team is conducting a 4-minute team assessment, the results of which will be part of this afternoon’s session with David Yudis. The assessment pinpoints strengths and weaknesses in soft skills, measures team effectiveness, and illustrates the cost of lost productivity of your team.
Morning Session
A Taste of Genius
Executive Summary:
Vivo Team's Leadership Development Model
To build successful companies and talent, business leaders must make good use of people’s time and capital. It is important to discover how doing “less but best” can garner the desired result. To make that happen employees need clear direction, guidance on how to increase their performance, and interactive feedback to keep on track.
Afternoon Session
The Six Key Indicators
Be an effective leader by
mastering these six power skills.
Improving a team’s ability to communicate, provide feedback, regulate emotions, offer direction, structure meetings, and employ accountability strategies will improve effectiveness and cohesion. Yet, none of these skills are adequate if employed in a vacuum. All team members must apply these strategies in order to work better together.