Psychological Safety: A Win-Win for Wellness and Performance
Psychological safety—the shared belief that it’s safe to take interpersonal risks as a group—fosters healthy team dynamics and interpersonal relationships. This can have a positive effect on high-quality decision making, innovation, and ultimately lead to highly-functioning leaders and teams.
Diversity and Inclusion is Everyone's Responsibility
Our friends at Jostle explore what creating a diverse and inclusive workplace actually means; evermore important with today’s hybrid workforce.
Contrary to popular opinion, D&I doesn’t begin and end with creating a more multicultural, multiethnic workplace . . . the rest of the organization needs to step up to create an inclusive workplace.
Dear Dr. Jim, I noticed I’m working longer hours now that I am at home. Are things busier or is it just more accessible? - Ryan*
Hi Ryan,
It’s probably both! Working from home, which I've been doing now for the last 15 years, requires discipline.
When you are done working for the day:
Shut off your computer – everything – so it makes it a little more difficult to fire the thing up.
Be very disciplined, particularly on the weekends about your time. Be very careful about whether you just drift back in (to work). Stop it, please! Because, what happens over time is that you begin to burn out because you're always on.
There's also the convenience of having your desk around. You may think: "Oh, I forgot to do that," and you go do it. Rather than going to do it, if you need to, go to your desk and write it on a Post It note reminding yourself to do it later. Don't get into it then, because again, you're going to find yourself working all the time. Your partner, if you have one, is going to start getting frustrated with you; your children will say "mommy or daddy are on the computer all the time".
Discipline. Discipline yourself to only work on your decided, appointed times. Set boundaries; stop. You’ll find much more satisfaction. - Dr. Jim
Dr. Jim Sellner, PhD. DipC. answers questions leadership, motivation, accountability, manager connection, or working on a remote team. Send your questions to:
Gimme a Break!
"Research shows that taking routine movement breaks increases work efficiency, job satisfaction, and your overall quality of work!"
Beech Street Health Centre in Halifax, NS recommends that you step away from your desk at least every hour to re-centre and focus. Even if it’s just a short walk, getting a glass of water, or doing a lap of your home or office. We love this easy stretching program they've shared to keep your body moving and your mind energized…and you can do it right from your chair!